I had the good fortune to attend today’s abortion-rights rally and march in Washington, D.C., which was dubbed Bans Off Our Bodies. Here are my thoughts about the demonstration, together with my images.
All in The Age of Trump
I had the good fortune to attend today’s abortion-rights rally and march in Washington, D.C., which was dubbed Bans Off Our Bodies. Here are my thoughts about the demonstration, together with my images.
Click on the photograph to enlarge it, and for Jack B. Siegel’s commentary and additional photographs.
Click on the photograph to enlarge it, and for commentary and additional photographs.
[Click on the photograph to enlarge it and commentary about a painting for our times]
I couldn't resist a snapshot of Sandro Botticielli's The Calumny of Appelles in the Uffizi. It is a painting for our time. On the right side of the painting sits King Midas on his thrown. He is painted with jackass ears. Two women flank him. One is Ignorance and the other is Suspicion. Midas' outstretched hand points to Slander.
[Click on the photograph to enlarge it and for additional commentary]
Let me riff for a moment as a photographer. To photograph the Eiffel Tower or not to, that is the question. I have moved 180 degrees on that issue.
[Click on the photograph to enlarge it, and for additional photographs and commentary]
The church that is one block south of Trump Tower is offering sermons on the Apocalypse during the United Nations General Assembly week. Seems appropriate, given that Trump is residence at Trump Tower.
[Click on the photograph to enlarge it, and for additional commentary and photographs]
Some odds and ends from last weekend's trip to New York City. "Odds and ends, odds and ends.
Lost time is not found again" Bob Dylan