All tagged Lisbon

We had talked about traveling to Portugal for at least 15 years, often as possible winter destination.  Like everyone else, we always seemed to go elsewhere--Paris, London, Rome, Vienna, Prague, Istanbul, Madrid, and Moscow, among others.  I can't say that was a mistake--each  is a worthwhile destination--but so is Portugal.


Like everyone else (or so it seemed), we started at the Jerónimos Monastery, which includes a cathedral, monastery, and cloisters, all constructed in what is referred to as Manueline style (Gothic).  The monastery is closely associated with the Age of Portuguese Discovery, largely because construction commenced in 1501 and the facility is close to the river bank where the yearly voyages to India, China, and Japan departed from.


After the tram ride, we took a taxi up to the top of Alfama, visiting the Monastery/Church of São Vicente de Fora, which was well worth the effort.  We particularly liked the room housing the tombs, which looked like cargo shipping containers, where King Carlos I (1863-1908), who was assassinated by two republican activists, is buried in an impressive, but eerie tomb that rests in the center of the room.