All tagged Gay Pride Parade

GAYestinian Pride

Today, Chicago’s LGBQT+ Community staged the 54th Annual Gay Pride Parade. In keeping with my activity over the last nine months, I decided to focus on the pro-Palestinian demonstrators who had obtained a coveted slot in the parade’s abbreviated lineup. It was the right decision, because it permitted me to photograph their efforts, as well as the colorful characters lining the parade route, as I walked the route with the pro-Palestinian forces from the start to the finish line.

Gay Pride Parade

[Click on the photograph to enlarge it and for commentary, as well as 40 or so additional photographs]

Everyone knows what happens in Chicago on the last Sunday in June: The Gay Pride parade.  Having lived on the periphery of Boystown for over two decades, I've been to my share of Gay Pride parades.  Each year the parade is a little more corporate and a little less outrageous, reflecting the mainstream acceptance of gay people.


Today was the annual Gay Pride Day Parade in Chicago.  Attendance was down; it was an hour shorter by my estimate; the floats and groups never seemed to pause as they had in years past-- possibly reflecting security concerns; and the politicians flocked by even though they have nothing to be proud about.  As the Gay community has become more mainstream, the parade has become more corporate and much of the outlandishness has receded with the hairlines of parade participants.  Imagine seeing Boeing, Northrup Grumman, Aon, or KMPG at a Gay rights parade in 1969, but then, times have changed since Stonewall.