
Changing Things Up

Changing Things Up

Chicago-based advocacy groups had planned a demonstration in Chicago’s Federal Plaza to coincide with Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 47th President of the United States. Trump moved the inauguration ceremony from the National Mall to the U.S. Capitol’s rotunda because of forecasted frigid temperatures. Chicago also experienced an Arctic blast, which resulted in the scheduled January 20th demonstration being postponed. Today the rescheduled rally began at noon in Jane Byrne Plaza, the site of Chicago’s Old Water Tower.

While over 60 different groups co-sponsored today’s demonstration, the lead groups were the ones that have pro-Palestinian sponsors of the demonstrations that have been held virtually every week for the last 15 months. The familiar maroon Dodge RAM truck was parked adjacent to the plaza, just as it is every time the Palestinians hold a demonstration at Jane Byrne Plaza. It was equipped with the same sound system, and today’s lead banner called for an “Arms Embargo Now!” Tellingly, however, the banner’s message was mixed, also proclaiming, “No Redadas!; No Deportaciones!” Both Mexican and Palestinian flags blew in the wind above the demonstrators.

While the pro-Palestinian effort during the last 15 months is admirable in terms of perseverance, the effort has fallen short in recent months due the prolonged conflict. In the early days, thousands would turn out for the weekly demonstration, but repetition took a toll. I stopped regularly covering the pro-Palestinian rallies two months ago. I could not longer justify covering regularly covering these rallies, particularly after seeing one Instagram video several weeks ago that showed no more than 100 people present at a Saturday rally. I, however, can’t fault the pro-Palestinian demonstrators. Kids have soccer games; people are invited to weddings; and small business owners have businesses to run.

Ironically, Donald Trump’s crackdown on undocumented aliens may be just the spark that returns demonstrators to Chicago’s streets, particularly given the pro-Israeli policies he has begun to rollout. The Palestinians may wish they had voted for former Vice-President Kamala Harris should Trump join with the Israeli far-right in ethnically cleansing Gaza by pressuring Egypt and Jordan to accept over a million Palestinians who currently reside in Gaza. As is often the case with Trump’s half-baked Ideas, there may be unintended consequences—the destabilization of the Egyptian and Jordanian governments

Today, the rally portion of the demonstration included speakers from a variety of advocacy groups. The topic du jour was not the pro-Palestinian cause. Instead, Trump’s immigration policies took center stage. Several speeches addressed Trump’s plans to deport undocumented aliens, which was no surprise because ICE began making raids in Chicago today.

The signage, much of it DIY, reflected the diversity of causes, calling out the expanding oligarchy, demanding protection for trans teens, pushing for an embargo on arms shipments to Israel, imploring Trump and his allies to show respect for those who pick produce and perform other menial labor, insisting on the restoration of abortion rights, highlighting racial division, and demanding LGBT rights.

At the end of the march, one of the Palestinian leaders claimed that 5,000 demonstrators had turned out. The newspapers and television stations covering the demonstration put the number in the hundreds. Based on the length of the march as it proceeded along Michigan Avenue, I would put the number at somewhere between 1,000 and 1,500 people. At least half of those present were showing their contempt for and disgust with Trump’s immigration policies. Waiting on Upper Wacker Drive across from Trump Tower, were three large school buses that were used to transport people of Latino descent to and from the march.

While I have no way of knowing, I would not be surprised if there were some undocumented aliens who participated. If so, those people made a gutsy decision to speak out, because ICE officials could have been on the periphery photographing the demonstrators. Coming in buses also was a bold, but risk-laden decision. ICE agents could have easily followed the buses back to points of origin.

Overall, today’s crowd was energized and passionate about the causes they hoped to highlight. The media was out in force. While the pro-Palestinian groups found themselves sharing the spotlight, I suspect that the Palestinian organizers liked the larger crowd size, particularly because the demonstrators were sympatico with the plight of the people in Gaza.

Many words have been spilled over dispirited Democrats and Progressives. If Trump maintains the pace he set during his first week in office, I suspect we will be seeing much larger demonstrations in Chicago.

[Click on an Image to Enlarge It. The Images Are Not Necessarily in Exact Chronological Order]

A Bit of Chaos on a Saturday Afternoon

Standing on a Traffic Island

"In the Name of Humanity . . ."

Getting Ready to March

An Apparent Trumper Heckling the Demonstrators

Saluting a Hero of the QAon Movement

"Free Luigi"

Asserting His Dignity

Listening to the Speaker

A Speech Written on Graph Paper

Leading the Chants from the Back of the Maroon Dodge RAM Truck Headed South on Michigan Avenue

Putting It All Out There

Laying Down the Beat

"Christians For Ceasefire"

Even Alexander LuKashenko Was an Issue Today

Passing By

"Solidaridad de Dupage"

Lots of Stickers

Selfie Time

Over the DuSable Michigan Avenue Bridge

"Deny, Defend, Depose"

"Chinga Your MAGA!"

Bullhorn in Hand

A Miniature Tank Highlighting the War in Gaza, Positioned in Front of Chicago's Trump Tower

"No Neo-Nazi USA"

"Don't Make the Same Mistakes"

A Signed Strategically Positioned Across from Trump Tower

Always Time for a Selfie

Pointing a Finger at Trump


Signs, Signs, Signs

Andy Thayer, An LGBQT Activist, Speaks Out

Advocating for Abortion and Women's Rights

Trump's Presidency Raises New Concerns

A Shift in Focus to the West Bank, But the Sign Does Not Reflect the 'New Sheriff in Town'

"Burn the Oligarchy"

A Veteran Showing His Opposition to War

Demanding That Attacks on Trans Youth End

Responding to the First Week of the Trump Presidency

Loading the Bus that Carried Those Protesting Trump's Immigration Crackdown

Copyright 2025, Jack B. Siegel. All Rights Reserved. Do Not Alter, Copy, Display, Distribute, Download, Duplicate, or Reproduce Without the Prior Written Consent of the Copyright Holder.

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