Sonya Massey
Sonya Massey was shot to death on July 6, 2024, shortly before 1 AM by Sangamon County Sheriff’s Deputy Sean Grayson, who has now been fired and who is facing three counts of first-degree murder. Massey had called the police earlier to report concerns over a suspected prowler outside her home. When the police arrived, they discovered a black SUV in Massey’s driveway with a broken window. Massey did not know who owned the vehicle.
Following a search outside Massey’s home, Grayson and his partner entered the house. Massey appeared confused, having trouble retrieving an ID from her purse when the officers requested it so they could complete their report. She repeatedly said she needed help and referenced God.
Former Deputy Grayson then noted a boiling pot on the stove. Massey got up to turn off the stove, saying, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.” Grayson responded with the expletive-laden threat, demanding that she drop the pot. Massey then apologized, but Grayson nevertheless pulled his 9mm pistol. Massey ducked, and then she stood up. At that point, Grayson fired his pistol, hitting Massey below the eye. When Greyson’s partner wanted to grab a medical kit so that he could render aid, Grayson said, “You can go get it, but that’s a headshot. There’s nothing you can do, man.” He then added, “What else do we do? I’m not taking hot (expletive) boiling water to the (expletive) face.”
Grayson’s perception of the risk he faced was preposterous—Massey was in the kitchen, with a counter between her and Grayson, who was standing in the living room with his partner. Even if Massy has tossed the water, the stream would have dissipated long before it reached Grayson. As the police bodycam video reveals, Grayson’s response was totally over-the-top.
Massey apparently had some prior mental health issues. Grayson should have stepped back, and then, if he felt threatened, attempted to de-escalate the situation. Alternatively, he and his partner could have exited the house. While a jury will make the final determination, as will the U.S. Department of Justice after an investigation, there is little doubt in mind that Grayson was a rogue cop whose response was totally inappropriate.
The minute I saw the video, I knew the incident would generate demonstrations. I was right. A website that tracks local demonstrations reported that two demonstrations were scheduled for today. Unfortunately, the source either changed the date for one of the demonstrations to yesterday (Saturday), or I misread the listing. In any event, I missed yesterday’s march through the Loop, with speeches from affected family members and their representatives.
I did attend the demonstration at the corner of Randolph and Michigan Avenue at 1 PM today. It was sparsely populated, with no more than ten people in attendance. Three television camera crews were on hand, but I saw no footage during the 10:00 PM news.
Rabbi Michael Ben Yosef was the lead organizer. Those in attendance included family members of Reginald Clay, who was shot to death by a Chicago Police Officer on April 15, 2023, during a foot pursuit. Clay, also known as ‘Lil Red,’ found himself in a gangway that was blocked off, so he turned toward the police officer, removing a gun from his pants. The officer fired five shots, killing Clay. One expert contends that the shooting was objectively justified, but advocates for Clay argue that he was removing the gun so that he could place it on nearby ledge. Clay reportedly did not have a police record, and he apparently had a FOIA license for the gun. One of the central issues is whether the police officers violated department policy in stopping Clay in the first place, as well as in pursuing him.
Given the turnout, I can make a strong case that today’s demonstration was counter-productive. The news media showed up but the abysmal turnout could be taken to imply that the community doesn’t care about the death of Sonya Massey. Will assignment-desk editors send camera crews out to the next announced demonstration on Massey’s behalf given today’s turnout? Moreover, the presence of Lil Red’s family members overshadowed the announced purpose of the demonstration—to highlight the injustice perpetrated against Massey—although Clay’s family certain highlight the circumstances surrounding his death.
Given the totally inappropriate response by former Deputy Grayson and the tragic consequences that ensued, I have no doubt that there will be subsequent demonstrations. In fact, I will be surprised if there is not some sort of demonstration during the Democratic National Convention in just three week.
[Click on an Image to Enlarge It. The Images Are Not Necessarily in Exact Chronological Order]
"Justice For Sonya Massey"
Rabbi Michael Ben Yosef Giving A Passionate Speech On Behalf of Sonya Massey
Speaking Out On Lil Red's Behalf
Holding Placards For Lil Red
Making Sure Lil Red Is Not Forgotten
Having Her Say
Three Camera Crews Waiting For the Crowd To Grow
Fist Raised and Clenched
The True Cost of Gun Violence Borne By Those Who Remain
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